Shipping Fee Payment for In Search of Darkness: 1990-1994 Documentary Blu-Ray Packages

Thank you for pre-ordering In Search of Darkness: 1990-1994! We’re excited to share this epic celebration of ’90s horror with you.

When will shipping fees be charged?

Shipping fees for the In Search of Darkness: 1990-1994 documentary Blu-Ray packages will be charged at the point of fulfillment, which is currently estimated for December 2024. This means you will receive a payment request for shipping fees via email closer to that time, rather than at the point of your initial order.

Why are shipping fees charged separately?

To ensure a smooth and transparent process, we handle shipping fees at fulfillment to account for the most accurate rates, which depend on factors such as your location and current shipping costs at the time of dispatch.

This approach allows us to deliver the best possible service while keeping shipping fees as fair as possible for all backers, based on real-time conditions.

What can I expect next?

When we’re ready to fulfill your order, we will send you an email with instructions on how to complete the shipping payment. Please ensure your contact information is up to date, so you don’t miss this important communication.

What if my shipping address changes before fulfillment?

No problem! You can update your shipping address anytime before the fulfillment process begins by logging into your account or contacting our support team. We’ll make sure your Blu-Ray gets to the right place.

If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help!

Thank you for being part of the In Search of Darkness community.